Sunday, August 23, 2015

Being as Consciousness Master Nome comments

Spontaneous, off-the-cuff comments by a World Teacher [even if not so widely recognized as such in his/her lifetime] in response to questions in Satsang, are typically very deep.

" If  you deeply, penetratingly inquire within yourself  "Who am I?" you find that you cannot possibly be a body; nor can you be an individualized or separated Mind; nor can you be the idea of  "I" which is just an idea & not your essential Being, or the quintessential Consciousness."                             Master Nome       

This perfect summary warrants word-for-word adherence.  Examined carefully, without "body-image" prejudice, [typically stronger when the Body is self-appraised as especially beautiful, or the opposite], that trillion-cell, dying sack of unlikely atoms belongs in a zoo or biology lab more than in the center of your Mind as one’s actual Identity.  Can I really be this salt-water bag, jammed with muscle-meat & neurons ?  Where is my actual self in all that mess ?  Where was that Body a hundred years ago ?  Where will it be a hundred years from now ?  If this Consciousness began decades ago, then how ?  How do wet neurons "know", how do they seen to think ?  Will I really soon disappear ?  Or could there really be some individual "soul" transported to some fairy-tale Purgatory jail-house, or worse ?  Who makes this stuff up ?

How about some "Mind" that is a supposedly invisible, individual ghost that generates unsubstantial thoughts, each lasting for an instant, none with any way to contact other thoughts or some objective outer entities ?  Materialist nerve-soup theories are just as flimsy.  Am I what I think ?  What is a Mind anyway ?

Then there’s that instantaneous notion "I", the reference for each & every thought good/bad for "me", close/far from "me", & so on.  Some inner certainty of Existence is doubtless.  But what constitutes any actual self that "I" could refer to ?  Can "I" be anything objective at all, or must it not be point to a pure Subjectivity that must be Formless, without boundary or separation, & notindividualized ?  As for the true Universal, Non-Dual "I", what does it "do", how does it "be" ?  Find "I" to be Pure Consciousness.

                                                                           [to be continued]

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