Sunday, August 30, 2015

Atma Vichara, Self-Inquiry

Sri Shankara & Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi described the practical means to attain Self-Knowledge as Atma Vichara, usually translated as Self-Inquiry, "Who am I ?"  But repeated self-questioning is not the intended meaning, but it is rather the inward Self direction denoted.  Alternate translations include: "Self-attention".  Alternate Sanskrit indicators include: Atma Nishta, "Self-abidance".

If the question "Who am I ?"  is helpful, the a singular deep-felt, silent inward-probe could be enough. Vichara generally has alternate meanings of "pondering, deliberation, consideration, reflection, examination, investigation" in the sense of "unbiased examination with a view to arriving at the truth."

And so Atma Vichara means "Self-investigation", "Self-scrutiny" or "Self-examination" of the fundamental Consciousness "I am" with a keen focus & intensity.  Thus we awaken to That.

Methods of "Self-surrender" & "Self-denial" are equivalent, so long as Individuality, Ego is erased.

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