Wednesday, August 19, 2015

How to find Reality

Nick Herbert’s Quantum Reality was a good Science book, but not such a good Philosophy book. For one thing he had Greek Realist philosopher of "Ideals", Plato, be founder of Idealism when a truer Western "father" was Parmenides, with sources in India, older still. Herbert further had Immanuel Kant exemplify Idealism [as Germanic fathers of Quantum Mechanics might have] when George Berkeley would have served as a better standard. But a simple-hearted, direct speculation was Herbert’s deepest foray into Philosophy, when he wrote: "If there actually is a Deep Reality, there must be some way to experience it."

Some scientists, like Nick’s friend, Amit Goswami [author of Self-Aware Universe] trust both Qualified Non-Duality QND Meditation & of all things, a Science Lab. As it an all-encompassing Reality could be detected, like some kind of Gold-Rush ore, in some assay Lab.

But the deepest field of experience is our own Non-Dual Existence. Self-Inquire Who am I ? to find "Deep Reality" as your own inmost Self. 

Your greatest glory [the Self] lies where you [Ego] cease to exist.                                                                              - Ramana Maharshi
Where you cease to exist, real Existence is self-revealed.                                                                                          - Master Nome

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